My Job Hunt Sheet for Google Sheets
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Simplify and organize your journey of getting a job.
"Efficiency is doing better what is already being done."
– Peter Drucker
Organize your job search in one place, making sense of this journey with a form of framework:
- Capture Opportunities or write down whatever comes to your attention.
- Define your goals, target income and target industry
- Process your list, assign score and value so you can prioritize what should be on top of your attention.
- Move it through pipeline/status framework from INBOX > RESEARCH > TO ENGAGE > APPLIED > INTERVIEW > ACCEPTED > REFLECTED
- Finally REFLECTED, Review what went well or what could be improved for future applications. You would learn a lot about yourself and the market from this list.
Hope this is useful for you and good luck!
You MUST copy this file to your own Google Drive. Do not request edit access.
Job Hunt Sheet for Google Sheet with my own personal framework to make sense of this journey.
Status Tracker
Value x Priority score
Overview tab
Add to wishlist
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